Ardent Indigenous Australian Women – Part 6
Beach Combing Tiwi Style

Part 6 of a series of portraits of Ardent Indigenous Australian Women by photographer Heide Smith. After an hour on various dirt tracks, we arrive at the open Timor sea. The sun comes up suddenly, harsh and hot. The glare from the white sand hurts my eyes and my feet burn. There is no shade to hide in anywhere. My friends don't mind it. Little Grace finds a massive cowrie shell;

and the women tackle a beauty of a mud crab nearer the mangroves.

Sarah loves Urili (Mangrove) worms. It tastes just like oysters, she assures me. But I decline. It seems there are many different kinds of edibles to be found here, as long as you know where to look; whilst looking out for crocs!

The sun is still high up when we return across the mud flats to go home.
The story and images are taken from my book, Portrait of a People - the Tiwi of northern Australia which can be purchased online from my bookshop by following this link. There are very few copies left. This beautiful book is fast becoming a collector's item.
In the weeks to come, I’ll introduce you to more portraits and stories of these strong indigenous Australian women - sadly many of them are no longer with us.
Ngya Mamanta Tiwi – Heide Smith
Viewers should be aware this collection contains references to, and images of deceased people