Vintage Portraits of Canberrans 1986 - 1999 


about portraits of canberrans: In 1994, an exhibition"The Canberrans A Vintage Selection" was launched at the ACT Legislative Assembly. It featured some of Canberra's best known senior citizens. The current collection is now much larger. Many of these vintage portraits featured in my Canberra Books, particularly the last one "A Portrait of Canberra and of Canberrans " published in 2012, and is still available in my Gift shop

about the prints: Details of each original print are displayed with each image, and include the type of print, when the photograph was taken and printed, and the image and print size. Unless stated otherwise, all the prints are in excellent condition. For more information see About Vintage Photographs

To purchase an image: contact us on the form at the bottom of each page, including the gallery and image title, or phone 0244761171.