heide smith's portraits collection


The Portrait Collections of Heide Smith contain some of her best known images. Heide regards herself as a People Photographer. These images were taken on assignments, personal projects and travels, over a period of more than 60 years. They include international icons such as The Daili Lama, Presidents, Governor Generals and Prime Ministers, Academics, Sportsmen, Musicians and celebrities. Most have been displayed in exhibitions, some a number of times, and many have been published in books and magazines. There are many more portraits in the the other Collections on this website. 


noted australians

noted australians

This collection is a who's who of Australian high achievers over a period of almost 50 years

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press club speakers

press club speakers

Heide was the official photographer for the National Press Club from 1984 - 1986

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pro photographers

pro photographers

Portraits of Australian Professional Photographers was commissioned by Ilford in 1984

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oyster farmers

oyster farmers

The exhibition was launched at Parliament House Canberra, and then at a dozen coastal towns.

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"it's the portraits that stay with you. Even when her subjects are naked, they are clothed in dignity. Even when they pose ....they are simply themselves. Elizabeth Keenan Time Magazine