Heide Smith's Tiwi Collection - Bush Tucker


Sarah Puruntatameri eating Urili Worm 1988


Going bush with my Tiwi friends meant I had to live and eat and sleep as they did. No eski's or barbecue's then. The one thing I did take , was my Muesli and nuts.

When Gerardine was roasting a 'flying fox' over the fire, I was not hungry! I did try some snake, but stopped short at eating Urili worm, even though I was assured, that it tastes like oysters.

You certainly didn't have to go hungry. Since I took these shots, I think many changes have come to the Tiwi with more food available in the shops. Some of these changes were not altogether for the better; In fact most bush food is healthy stuff! The Urili Worm is given to sick people as a pick-me-up.

The shot below of Valma with her catch is a little misleading. A dingo did all the hard work, but surrendered  his catch when surprised by Valma


Valma's catch

cooking turtle eggs

bringing home the catch


There are many more images of the Tiwi Going Bush, on my website and in my second Tiwi Book Portrait of a People which is available in my bookshop


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