vintage folio of 90 photographs of 1990 Tiwi book originals


Unique Folio of 90 Tiwi Book "printers originals" vintage photographs 1990: In 1990 Collins/Angus & Robertson published a book of my Photographs of Indigenous Australians, "Tiwi - The Life and Art of Australia's Tiwi People". The book was reprinted twice, and launched in an exhibition at the new Parliament House in Canberra. Of the 200 images in the book, 90 were black and white. At that time, colour images for a book were printed from colour transparencies, but black and white images required prints. This folio contains the 90 black and white "printer's originals", hand printed by me in 1989. As a Vintage Folio, this is an Edition of one, it cannot be repeated. Price $165,000
About the photographs: The Folio contains 90 unmounted original silver gelatin vintage prints, mostly printed on 24cm x 30cm Resin Coated paper. Image sizes vary, but most are 24cm x 30cm. All were photographed between 1987-1989, and are signed, dated and printed by me, with a Certificate of Authenticity, in a hand made linen covered box. To read more about the Tiwi, see An Introduction to the Tiwi ,
To purchase the folio: contact us on the form at the bottom of each page, or phone 0244761171. 


Folio of 90 vintage printers original photographs