Fellow of the Australian Institute of Professional Photography Fellow of the Australian Institute of Professional Photography On Tuesday evening at the Australian Professional Photography Awards Dinner in Sydney, I became a Fellow of the AIPP. I knew that I was to receive some sort of honour, and I had therefore prepared an acceptance speech. However, […]

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In addition to the Fotokino exhibition which I mentioned in Part Two of my tale, my work was also represented in a number of international exhibitions in Europe and Asia. After my apprenticeship, I had joined the editorial staff of a local daily newspaper as a photo-journalist in 1959. When my pictures appeared in the […]

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A Photographers Tale – part two. In 1963, the year I left Germany with husband Brian, Fotokina exhibited the work of 14 young photographers, which included me.” The shot below is from a newspaper report of my contribution to the Fotokina exhibition; “Prize Winner at Fotokina …….”

A display of Heide smiths photographs in an Exhibition of 14 young German Photographers at Fotokina in 1963
Exhibition of 14 young German Photographers at Fotokina in 1963 – Heide Smith’s panel
This is a translation of a newspaper report “Prize bearer at Fotokina 1963

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Heide Smith – a photographers tale I have called this series of posts “ A Photographers Tale “ because that is what it is – the tale of my life as a professional photographer – a sort of stroll down memory lane. The title is not new, I first used it in a presentation at “Hair […]

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about heide  backgroundHeide Soltsien was born in Germany, where her father was a graphic artist and designer. After an apprenticeship in photography which culminated in a diploma, Heide studied advertising, gaining a second diploma. After a spell as an industrial photographer, Heide worked as a photojournalist for four years until her marriage in 1963, travelling to […]

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